ÄÄÍÍ Galaxy 5 ÍÍÄÄ v1.09 Wide Beta Copyright (C) 1996 Thomas J. Smith Bug Report Form -------------------------------------------------------------------- If you find a bug in the game, please take the time to fill out this file including all of the info that you can. As of now, Galaxy 5 is under wide beta testing. If you have no means of sending me this completed file, then at least try to get me a note telling me as much info about the bug as possible! -------------------------------------------------------------------- If you can send me this form, then you should also send me the following files with this form, ERROR.LOG ÄÄÂÄ If they exist in your Galaxy 5 directory. GALAXY5.LOG Ù Your NODE*.CFG file(s). Your batch files (both the one(s) used for running the game from your BBS, and the ones in your Galaxy 5 directory). -------------------------------------------------------------------- Also let me know what version number you are running, as this is pretty important! -------------------------------------------------------------------- -=ð=- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Where at in the game did you find this bug? --------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- What exactly went wrong (or close to exactly!)? ------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Your System Info ------------------ Amount of RAM : ___ Meg(s) Operating System : [ ] DOS (mark all that [ ] Windows 3.x apply) [ ] Windows 95 [ ] DesqView [ ] LAN [ ] Other (specify) __________________________ Fossil? : [ ] Yes (name and version) ____________________________ [ ] No Memory Manager : [ ] None [ ] QEMM [ ] 386 Max [ ] Other (specify) ____________________________ BBS Software : __________________________________________________ Any other system info you feel may help with this report ---------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Send in this form along with the files mentioned above using one of the following methods, Voice : (313) 295-6287 Call my BBS : The Last Call BBS! (313) 295-6284 Fido Crash Mail : 1:2410/903 Internet E-Mail : tsmith2@voyager.net Postal Mail : Tom Smith 26910 Beverly Taylor, MI 48180 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for taking the time to complete this form. I will do my best to "kill" any bugs found! ;> --------------------------------------------------------------------